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March 16, 2024

Lucrezia Taddei, Kyle Dillon, Giorgia Cito, Robert Carney  AFRICOM/CENTCOM Team

Evan Beachler, Anya Golend-Pratt Editor, Alya Fathia Fitri; Jennifer Loy, Chief Editor

Map of North Waziristan, Pakistan[1]

Event: On March 16, 2024, a suicide bomber driving an explosive-laden truck targeted a military post in North Waziristan, a district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in northwest Pakistan, killing at least seven soldiers and damaging the facility. Following the initial bombing, a subsequent exchange of gunfire resulted in the fatalities of six assailants, some of whom were wearing suicide vests. A newly formed militant group, Jaish-e-Fursan-e-Muhammad, claimed the attack, signaling a potential resurgence of militant activity in the region previously secured from this very threat. Pakistan's military forces launched a clearance operation as a renewed commitment to ending the threat of terrorism. Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif condemned the attack, paying homage to the fallen soldiers.[2]

Significance: The event likely indicates increased capabilities of militant groups to plan and execute attacks, likely suggesting that these organizations have access to resources and training. The participation of a newly formed militant group likely suggests a possible reorganization or emergence of new factions within the militant landscape, likely complicating counter-terrorism efforts in the region. The targeting of a military post likely underscores an intent to undermine state security mechanisms, very likely to erode public confidence in the government's ability to ensure safety. This attack will likely expose vulnerabilities within Pakistan’s military infrastructure, likely sending a powerful message about the militants' capacity to strike at the core of national security. Public perception of weakened internal security institutions will likely result in heightened anxiety and fear, likely leading to increased public unrest. There is a roughly even chance this unrest will manifest as peaceful protests, requests for enhanced security measures, or an increase in societal instability. The attack’s visibility will likely attract new members, drawn by the capabilities and militant ideology of Jaish-e-Fursan-e-Muhammad. Increased recruitment and resources of militant organizations will very likely heighten the threat level of these groups, raising the probability of subsequent attacks. With a broader pool of members, these organizations will likely find it easier to sustain their activities, diversify their tactics, and widen their scope of targets.

The proximity to the Afghanistan border will likely facilitate the movement of resources to Jaish-e-Fursan-e-Muhammad and other militant groups, very likely enhancing the operational capabilities of these groups. Increased access to weaponry will likely escalate the intensity and frequency of militant activities. There is a roughly even chance Pakistan’s military will advance surveillance techniques, increase patrols, and implement more robust interagency intelligence-sharing mechanisms to effectively monitor and control the movement of arms across the border. The increased operational capabilities of new militant groups in Pakistan will likely result in increased cross-border movement of militant members from Afghanistan. Increased militant activity along the border will likely exacerbate the tensions between Pakistan and Afghanistan, likely decreasing security cooperation and undermining efforts to counter the threat of growing militant groups. There is a roughly even chance Pakistan’s government will increase demands on the Afghan government to pressure these militant groups and prevent cross-border influence and attacks. The increasing attacks in Pakistan, which are potentially planned in Afghanistan, will likely limit Pakistan’s diplomatic options to prevent these attacks in the future. Reduced security cooperation between Pakistan and Afghanistan will likely place citizens of both countries at risk in the coming weeks, likely contributing to the insecurity of IDPs in the border regions.  Pakistan will likely seek other regional partners for counterterrorism support to prevent the free flow of militant groups within Pakistan and the broader region.


  • The Counterterrorism Group (CTG) recommends that authorities prioritize monitoring known militant groups and identifying emerging threats through increased surveillance and intelligence-sharing among regional and international partners.

  • CTG recommends that military outposts in northwest Pakistan stay on high alert, and increase surveillance, and security measures in the areas at risk of future attacks.

  • CTG recommends that Pakistan’s military should enhance border security measures to prevent the cross-border movement of militants and weapons due to the attack’s proximity to the Afghanistan border. This could involve deploying advanced surveillance technologies, increasing patrols, and fostering cooperation with Afghan security forces.

  • Pakistan’s government and officials should implement counter-narratives to deter future attacks and the recruitment of potential new members to militant groups.

  • CTG recommends that Pakistani officials work in direct contact with the population in the areas affected to gather intelligence on suspected activities, increase trust, and reduce support for the activities of militant groups.

  • CTG recommends that strengthening the capacity of local security forces through training, equipment, and intelligence-sharing should empower them to more effectively combat and prevent militant activities within their jurisdictions.

  • CTG recommends that Pakistan's government and police utilize resources to reach out to communities to allow for open discourse on insecurity-related issues. This approach could be a starting point to resolve instability and increase the alignment between Pakistan's government, security forces, and communities. This will serve to increase the legitimacy of Pakistan's government and security forces.

  • If there is any additional and or critical information please contact us at The Counterterrorism Group (CTG) by Telephone 202-643-2848 or email


[1] North Waziristan by Google Maps

[2] 7 soldiers killed in a suicide truck bombing and shootout in northwest Pakistan, ABC News, March 2024,

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