Q: What plans does the Counter Threat Center offer?
A: Currently, there are two plans, Detect and Legacy that we offer. More information may be found on our subscription page.
Q: Does the Legacy plan give me access to all reports?
A: The Legacy plan delivers access to publicly available intelligence products.
Q: My institution would like to access your reports. Which plan is best for our needs?
A: Please contact solutions@paladin7group.com with your institution name, industry, and an explanation of what you are looking for.
Q: Do you have enterprise solutions for subscriptions?
A: For more information about solutions for your organization please contact solutions@paladin7group.com.
Q: Does the Counter Threat Center give me access to the National Intelligence Estimate?
A: No, the National Intelligence Estimate is a separate purchase through paladin7group.com.
Q: What is the difference between pricing plans?
A: Detect and Legacy are offered at different prices. More information may be found on our subscription page.
Q: Are there free report publications that I could browse on the Counter Threat Center before finalizing my purchase?
A: The Counter Threat Center does offer a selective sum of free Special Reports. More information may be found in the Special Report section of the website.
Q: Will the reports be eligible for sales or discounts?
A: At the present, Paladin7 does not offer any sales or discounts for our reports. Please review our pricing plans to access regional, specialty, and intelligence reports. Contact solutions@paladin7group.com
Q: How do I contact you if I have a question?
A: You may find our contact form at the very bottom of the homepage, or the contact button at the top of the website.
Q: I am not satisfied with my order.
A: We apologize that your order is not to your satisfaction. Please check out our alternative pricing plans that could meet your needs and requirements. Contact solutions@paladin7group.com for more information.
Q: How long will my access to the Counter Threat Center last?
A: Access to the Counter Threat Center differs across each plan. Please check our pricing plans for more information.
Q: Can I download, save or share reports from the Counter Threat Center?
A: Presently, you are able to download reports outside of the legacy plan.
Q: Can I download, save or share reports from the Counter Threat Center?
A: Counter Threat Center products and material is copyrighted and cannot be redistributed without permission. We require any use of our product in the media to be adequately cited.
Q: What do I do if I experience difficulties in accessing the Counter Threat Center.
A: We apologize for any inconvenience affecting your access to the Counter Threat Center. Paladin7 prides itself on delivering accessible reports delivered in a timely manner. Please contact solutions@paladin7group.com with details of your pricing plan and dilemma. Paladin7 will respond as soon as possible.